Mentor & trainer
Author & Speaker
Healer & Chanel

Frederike Sophia Maya

Mentorin & Ausbilderin
Autorin & Speakerin
Heilerin & Chanel

Frederike Sophia Maya

Frederike Sophia Maya Lackmann is …

… Speaker & author.
… Trainer in the healing knowledge of the New Horse World.
… Mentor in the field of human consciousness development
through the embodiment of Eternal Love in the field of horses.
… Multidimensional healer in the knowledge of Eternal Life
… a Chanel of cosmic horse knowledge for this earth.

Horses keep treasures for us that we can now open up again.

For me, one of these treasures was my pure joy of life.
What treasures have the horses preserved for you?

Horses are the center of my life.
In this life and far beyond.

Horses mean home to me.

My deepest truth in this life ...

... is the eternal bond with horses.

I felt, knew and lived this deep inside me as a child.

I was very lucky to have grown up very naturally and freely with horses. Galloping through the woods on the back of a naked horse was the absolute highlight of my childhood.

Back then, it was also an escape from my human existence, from human structures… many, many years later, the horses have challenged me to reclaim the treasure they have preserved for me.

I am infinitely grateful that the horses have preserved all the facets of me that I had split off & called me back into my human strength.

I wanted to express my gratitude to the horses. So I set out on the path to be & act out of eternal love for horses.

My deep desire to create new worlds alongside horses arose very early on. I was simply not satisfied with the existing possibilities of horse keeping and the standard of horse health.

“May you heal everything you touch” was a phrase I read later… and it ignited a spark of remembrance in me:
Yes, there is infinite healing potential in the touch of human & horse.

At the time, it was these words that reminded me of the healer in me.

Through this desire to heal, my first professional field with horses became
animal healing practice.

I have always been around horses and have worked with horses in all kinds of fields.

My life is dedicated to horses. I give myself completely to the true connection between people and horses.

My path has always been unconventional.

That’s why I didn’t choose a traditional path after graduating from high school, but spent two years living and working with horses in Australia.
These hours-long rides through the vastness and mountains of Australia were an absolute dream for me.

Back in Germany, I started a distance learning course to become an equine veterinary practitioner alongside my training as a nurse.
And brought my first 2 horses Ananda and Ayla to me. This opened up new worlds.

With my state examination in healthcare and nursing, I also realized that only the field of horses made sense for me professionally.

This led me to the next unconventional & purely intuitive decision:
On 01.01.2017, I started my own business as a veterinary practitioner for horses. In addition to my training as a veterinary practitioner, I had already completed numerous additional courses and further training.

At that time, I had already worked with horses in countless fields – from training young horses to intensive seat training for riders and caring for horses at all levels.

For several years I had dedicated myself to free work with horses…
only to realize that this form of acquired “free work” did not correspond to the true freedom that my heart desired.

Of course, my horses proved to be the greatest teachers. Ananada and Ayla were joined by Milana. A colorful, beautiful herd. This herd is my eternal heartbeat.

I quickly went infinitely deeper with my horses through my first animal communications (which I did naturally as a child) and horse-assisted coaching… a journey began that opened up new universes for me.

Today I have been with my herd for 10 years. Apart from a short interruption, I have always lived directly with my herd.

When I started to see how hard it can seem,
to be in wonderful habitats with horses,
the vision arose in my heart …

to consciously create living spaces with horses from the inside out.

I wasn’t satisfied with the boarding stables on offer.
Starting out as a classic self-caterer, we leased our first farm in Germany before moving to France. From one farm to the next, I grew infinitely in my consciousness. I have never searched on the outside but have always created on the inside. With crystal clear energetic alignments.

Teaching and various additional fields were quickly added to my animal healing practice. Today I have landed above all in the development of human consciousness in the knowledge of eternal life.
It is in this field that I now see the greatest opportunities for a completely harmonious and blissful coexistence between humans and horses.

I now train people in the “healing knowledge of the new horse world” and accompany them in arriving in the life spaces that correspond to their soul path with horses and in living their divine destiny in the field of horses.

I now live with my herd on a French peninsula directly on the Atlantic Ocean and enjoy a life very close to nature here.

I want to see us all arrive in the habitats of our dreams with horses.
In the fulfillment of our divine destiny with horses.

This glimpse is just a fraction of my life and work with horses, in which I hope you can feel my eternal love for horses.

Today I know about my multidimensionality. And about yours.

I am connected to horses in many dimensions beyond this life.
I bring the wisdom of horses from countless lives and dimensions to earth today.

I see myself as a visionary,
pioneer of my Eternal Heart.
I also see your infinite heart visions for this horse world.

I am infinitely happy when
we get to know each other better.

In addition to various podcasts & co-creations, you can also find publications by Frederike in Natural Horse & Feine Hilfen.

You can click on the desired article or podcast below to go directly to the corresponding content.

As Author

Speaker in the following podcasts:

You will find current speaker appearances at congresses here.

In 2022, Frederike launched the successful “New Horse World” congress with 2000 participants. Its innovative continuation took place in September 2023 with the live summit “Lebensräume der Neuen Pferdewelt”.

In November 2023, Frederike, together with Silvia Lillienfeld, launched the successful congress “Horse Healing – New Territories Ahead” with over 2000 participants.

Frederike's education

“Today I have attended over 100 training courses for my personal development of consciousness – always with the intention of bringing this further development into the field of the horse world!

I have put many thousands of hours into my development with and for the horses & all my love. Basically my whole life.”

"My story is our story. You are invited to recognize & remember yourself in it."


Heilwissen der Neuen Pferdewelt

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Wir starten am 07.02.2024.

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22.12.2023 UM 19.30 UHR

Live-Event mit Frederike Sophia Maya für 0€!

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Rabatt gültig bis 27.11.2023, 23.59 Uhr